xm list执行报错"int exceeds XML-RPC limits"

在xen服务器上执行xm list指令出现如下报错:

$sudo xm list
Error: int exceeds XML-RPC limits
Usage: xm list [options] [Domain, ...]

List information about all/some domains.
  -l, --long                     Output all VM details in SXP               
  --label                        Include security labels                    
  --state=<state>                Select only VMs with the specified state   
  --nohide                       Include the hiden domains

参考 Re: Xen API connection with python and xml-rpc int limit


    def dump_int(self, value, write):
        # in case ints are > 32 bits
        if value > MAXINT or value < MININT:
            raise OverflowError, "int exceeds XML-RPC limits"


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