
需要移除文件的头尾行,最简单的方法是使用 sed 行编辑命令:

  • 1d 删除第一行; 2d 删除第二行;依次类推

  • $d 删除最后一行


#To remove the first record in the original file
sed -i '1d' FF_EMP.txt

#To create a new file with header removed
sed '1d' FF_EMP.txt > FF_EMP_NEW.txt 
#To remove the last record in the original file
sed -i '$d' FF_EMP.txt

#To create a new file with trailer removed
sed '$d' FF_EMP.txt > FF_EMP_NEW.txt 
  • 可以同时结合起来删除头尾行

#To remove the header & footer
sed -i '1d;$d' FF_EMP.txt

#To create a new file with header & trailer removed
sed '1d;$d' FF_EMP.txt > FF_EMP_NEW.txt 


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