LSI Logic MPT Configuration Utility, Version 1.67, September 15, 2011
1 MPT Port found
Port Name Chip Vendor/Type/Rev MPT Rev Firmware Rev IOC
1. ioc0 LSI Logic SAS2308 05 200 0f000000 0
Select a device: [1-1 or 0 to quit] 1 <= 这里选择1表示选择设备端口 ioc0
1. Identify firmware, BIOS, and/or FCode
2. Download firmware (update the FLASH)
4. Download/erase BIOS and/or FCode (update the FLASH)
8. Scan for devices
10. Change IOC settings (interrupt coalescing)
13. Change SAS IO Unit settings
16. Display attached devices
20. Diagnostics
21. RAID actions
23. Reset target
42. Display operating system names for devices
43. Diagnostic Buffer actions
45. Concatenate SAS firmware and NVDATA files
59. Dump PCI config space
60. Show non-default settings
61. Restore default settings
66. Show SAS discovery errors
69. Show board manufacturing information
97. Reset SAS link, HARD RESET
98. Reset SAS link
99. Reset port
e Enable expert mode in menus
p Enable paged mode
w Enable logging
Main menu, select an option: [1-99 or e/p/w or 0 to quit] 8 <= 输入8表示扫描磁盘设备
SAS2308's links are 6.0 G, 6.0 G, 6.0 G, 6.0 G, down, down, down, down
B___T___L Type Vendor Product Rev SASAddress PhyNum
0 0 0 Disk ATA WDC WD2000FYYZ-0 1K01 56c92bf000116468 8
0 1 0 Disk ATA WDC WD2000FYYZ-0 1K01 56c92bf000116469 9
0 2 0 Disk ATA WDC WD2000FYYZ-0 1K01 56c92bf00011646a 10
0 3 0 Disk ATA WDC WD2000FYYZ-0 1K01 56c92bf00011646b 11
0 4 0 Disk ATA WDC WD2000FYYZ-0 1K01 56c92bf00011646c 12
0 5 0 Disk ATA WDC WD2000FYYZ-0 1K01 56c92bf00011646d 13
0 6 0 Disk ATA WDC WD2000FYYZ-0 1K01 56c92bf00011646e 14
0 8 0 Disk ATA WDC WD2000FYYZ-0 1K01 56c92bf000116470 16
0 9 0 Disk ATA WDC WD2000FYYZ-0 1K01 56c92bf000116471 17
0 10 0 Disk ATA WDC WD2000FYYZ-0 1K01 56c92bf000116472 18
0 11 0 Disk ATA WDC WD2000FYYZ-0 1K01 56c92bf000116473 19
0 12 0 EnclServ LSI CORP Bobcat 0800 56c92bf00011647d 20
Main menu, select an option: [1-99 or e/p/w or 0 to quit] 42
ioc0 is SCSI host 0
B___T___L Type Operating System Device Name
0 0 0 Disk /dev/sda [0:0:0:0]
0 1 0 Disk /dev/sdb [0:0:1:0]
0 2 0 Disk /dev/sdc [0:0:2:0]
0 3 0 Disk /dev/sdd [0:0:3:0]
0 4 0 Disk /dev/sde [0:0:4:0]
0 5 0 Disk /dev/sdf [0:0:5:0]
0 6 0 Disk /dev/sdg [0:0:6:0]
0 8 0 Disk /dev/sdi [0:0:8:0]
0 9 0 Disk /dev/sdj [0:0:9:0]
0 10 0 Disk /dev/sdk [0:0:10:0]
0 11 0 Disk /dev/sdl [0:0:11:0]
0 12 0 EnclServ
Main menu, select an option: [1-99 or e/p/w or 0 to quit] 16 <= 输入16显示所有设备详细信息
SAS2308's links are 6.0 G, 6.0 G, 6.0 G, 6.0 G, down, down, down, down
B___T SASAddress PhyNum Handle Parent Type
56c92bf0000424ed 0001 SAS Initiator
56c92bf0000424ee 0002 SAS Initiator
56c92bf0000424ef 0003 SAS Initiator
56c92bf0000424f0 0004 SAS Initiator
56c92bf0000424f1 0005 SAS Initiator
56c92bf0000424f2 0006 SAS Initiator
56c92bf0000424f3 0007 SAS Initiator
56c92bf0000424f4 0008 SAS Initiator
56c92bf00011647f 0 0009 0001 Edge Expander
0 0 56c92bf000116468 8 000a 0009 SATA Target
0 1 56c92bf000116469 9 000b 0009 SATA Target
0 2 56c92bf00011646a 10 000c 0009 SATA Target
0 3 56c92bf00011646b 11 000d 0009 SATA Target
0 4 56c92bf00011646c 12 000e 0009 SATA Target
0 5 56c92bf00011646d 13 000f 0009 SATA Target
0 6 56c92bf00011646e 14 0010 0009 SATA Target
0 8 56c92bf000116470 16 0012 0009 SATA Target
0 9 56c92bf000116471 17 0013 0009 SATA Target
0 10 56c92bf000116472 18 0014 0009 SATA Target
0 11 56c92bf000116473 19 0015 0009 SATA Target
0 12 56c92bf00011647d 20 0016 0009 SAS Initiator and Target
Type NumPhys PhyNum Handle PhyNum Handle Port Speed
Adapter 8 0 0001 --> 0 0009 0 6.0
1 0001 --> 1 0009 0 6.0
2 0001 --> 2 0009 0 6.0
3 0001 --> 3 0009 0 6.0
Expander 22 0 0009 --> 0 0001 0 6.0
1 0009 --> 1 0001 0 6.0
2 0009 --> 2 0001 0 6.0
3 0009 --> 3 0001 0 6.0
8 0009 --> 0 000a 0 6.0
9 0009 --> 0 000b 0 6.0
10 0009 --> 0 000c 0 6.0
11 0009 --> 0 000d 0 6.0
12 0009 --> 0 000e 0 6.0
13 0009 --> 0 000f 0 6.0
14 0009 --> 0 0010 0 6.0
16 0009 --> 0 0012 0 6.0
17 0009 --> 0 0013 0 6.0
18 0009 --> 0 0014 0 6.0
19 0009 --> 0 0015 0 6.0
20 0009 --> 0 0016 0 6.0
Enclosure Handle Slots SASAddress B___T (SEP)
0001 8 56c92bf0000424ed
0002 12 56c92bf00011647f 0 12
Main menu, select an option: [1-99 or e/p/w or 0 to quit]
Main menu, select an option: [1-99 or e/p/w or 0 to quit] 81
Enter handle: [0000-FFFF or RETURN to quit] 0011
Invalid handle!
Main menu, select an option: [1-99 or e/p/w or 0 to quit]
sas2ircu LIST
LSI Corporation SAS2 IR Configuration Utility.
Version (2011.05.12)
Copyright (c) 2009-2010 LSI Corporation. All rights reserved.
Adapter Vendor Device SubSys SubSys
Index Type ID ID Pci Address Ven ID Dev ID
----- ------------ ------ ------ ----------------- ------ ------
0 SAS2308_1 1000h 86h 00h:04h:00h:00h 1000h 0086h
SAS2IRCU: Utility Completed Successfully.
#sas2ircu 0 STATUS
LSI Corporation SAS2 IR Configuration Utility.
Version (2011.05.12)
Copyright (c) 2009-2010 LSI Corporation. All rights reserved.
SAS2IRCU: there are no IR volumes on the controller!
SAS2IRCU: Error executing command STATUS.